今日はゆき(snow)でした。てんき(weather)がとつぜんにさむくなりましたね(it suddenly got really cold)。私は、そんなむいてんきがすきじゃないですね。Anyways, I hope you guys are all bundling up to stay warm :D
今日のduring study break , 私はyoutubeでおもしろいビデオをみていました。And I found this video called "how to speak fluent Japanese without saying a word." I mean, we all are taking Japanese class because we want to be fluent in Japanese, right? I found this title super tempting, so I watched it and this video ROCKED MY WORLD !!!!!!!! Please click "play" if you haven't seen this video already XP
haha I might actually try using these newly learned expressions with my Japanese friend and will let you know if this really works. でも、this is supposed to be a funny video. だから、よくわかりませんが、for our upcoming oral exams こんなにしないでください。
今週末かららい週まで、みんないそがしくてたいへんだとおもいますけど、べんきょうがんばってくださいね。そして have a safe trip back home :D
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I tend to be a bit depressed on rainy days, so 私のルームメート found this video and shared the link on my facebook wall to cheer me up. This is too precious so I want to share with everyone :p
Allergyがありますから、 ペットがいないですが、I've always wanted a pet since when I was little. After watching this video, now I really want a kitten♥
I tend to be a bit depressed on rainy days, so 私のルームメート found this video and shared the link on my facebook wall to cheer me up. This is too precious so I want to share with everyone :p
Allergyがありますから、 ペットがいないですが、I've always wanted a pet since when I was little. After watching this video, now I really want a kitten♥
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I accidentally deleted my previous posting just now, so I thought I would post a new entry to make up for it :p
先週は私にはとてもいそがしくてたいへんな一週間でした。先週の週末はシカゴでしごとのインタビューがありましたよ。やっぱりすごく緊張して(nervous)、何のはなしをしてたのかぜんぜんわかりませんでした。さいあく(worst, horrible)ですね ;ㅁ; 。。。そしてfamily problemがありましたから、とつぜん(suddenly)ですが、 かんこくにかえりました。おじいさんにあって、ほんとにうれしかったです。すぐアメリカにかえりましたからざんねんですが、ふゆ休みにまたかんこくにかえりますからいいですね。
I accidentally deleted my previous posting just now, so I thought I would post a new entry to make up for it :p
先週は私にはとてもいそがしくてたいへんな一週間でした。先週の週末はシカゴでしごとのインタビューがありましたよ。やっぱりすごく緊張して(nervous)、何のはなしをしてたのかぜんぜんわかりませんでした。さいあく(worst, horrible)ですね ;ㅁ; 。。。そしてfamily problemがありましたから、とつぜん(suddenly)ですが、 かんこくにかえりました。おじいさんにあって、ほんとにうれしかったです。すぐアメリカにかえりましたからざんねんですが、ふゆ休みにまたかんこくにかえりますからいいですね。
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
さいきん (lately)...
since blogging is no longer a part of our 'official' daily hw, remebering to post something on my blog on regular basis is すごくたいへんですよね!I almost forgot I even had a blog... (もちろん、じょうだんですよ :D)
とにかく、さいきんのせいかつはつまらないが、しゅうまつと休みがあるからはだいじょうぶです。休みの日にはやっぱり韓国(かんこく)や日本のドラマとえいがをみるのがすきですね、わたし。きょねん (last year)から日本のドラマをたくさんみるのをはじめました。いろいろおもしろい日本のドラマとえいががたくさんありますよ!あき休みには ”ばらのないはなや” (A flowershop without rose) をみました。ちょっとかなしいですが、すごくおもしろかったです。やっぱり竹内湯子(たけうちゆこ)さんはとてもきれいでした。
さいきんはTokyo Dogsをみるのをはじめました。It's pretty fast pace with an interesting plot line だからいままではほんとによかったでした。韓国(かんこく)のドラマ、미남이시네요(ミナミシネヨ - You're beautiful) もみています。すごくおもしろいから、毎週あたらしいエピソードをまちます。It's a bit cheesy but since I love chick flicks I absolutely love it. The fact that it's hilarious makes it even more addicting! :D

I would like to put the trailer videos of these dramas, but I don't really know how and I can't figure it out..... But anyways, I think watching Japanese drama or movies is really helpful in many aspects because you get to learn about the culture and the language indirectly. I still rely on the subtitles when I watch them but sometimes they say phrases that I can semi-understand and I'm like "YAY! I'm getting better and better!!!!!!!!! OMG I must be a genius or something!!!!!".......... yes, I'm a dork....haha
とにかく (anyways)、みなさん、いっしょに日本語のべんきょうがんばりましょ!
Monday, November 9, 2009
わたしの りょう☆
わたしの りょうは ライオンズ ホール(Lyons Hall)です。いちねんせいから いままでライオンズで すんでいます(I have been living in Lyons since freshmen year until now)。ライオンズは どても ふるいですけど きれいです。セントメリーズ こが みえる アーチも あります。えいが ルディーの なかの その りっぱな アーチですよ。
ライオンズ ホールは キャンパスの みにみに あります。ライオンズは モリッシ ホール(Morrisey Hall) の となりに あります。ロックニ たいいくかん(Rockne) も よこに あります。みなみ がくしょくまでは あるいて 3ぷんぐらい かかります。
とても ちかいですよね? としょかんと DBRTは ちょっと とおい ( far) ですけど、ライオンズ ホールは やっぱり いいですね。
ライオンズ ホールは キャンパスの みにみに あります。ライオンズは モリッシ ホール(Morrisey Hall) の となりに あります。ロックニ たいいくかん(Rockne) も よこに あります。みなみ がくしょくまでは あるいて 3ぷんぐらい かかります。
とても ちかいですよね? としょかんと DBRTは ちょっと とおい ( far) ですけど、ライオンズ ホールは やっぱり いいですね。
Sunday, October 25, 2009
いちばんすきなまち :D
it's supposed to be a riddle but i'll give you a hint.
It's the second largest city (and the biggest port city) in South Korea.
and it's my hometown... :D
the answer is プサンですよ!!
I just wanted to introduce my city because it seemed like no one in 10:40 section knew what Busan was like.... so here are some pictures that i would like to share:

it's supposed to be a riddle but i'll give you a hint.
It's the second largest city (and the biggest port city) in South Korea.
and it's my hometown... :D
the answer is プサンですよ!!
I just wanted to introduce my city because it seemed like no one in 10:40 section knew what Busan was like.... so here are some pictures that i would like to share:

don't tell me that i'm cheating for only putting up the nicest pictures. But seriously, it really is a beautiful city. Also in Busan there's the world's largest department store in the world, meaning the shopping's great, too. One of my favorite things about Busan is that there is this annually held citywide film festival called PIFF (short for Pusan International Film Festival). It started pretty small in 1996, and I used go watch films and see famous directors and actors walking down the red carpet as a little kid. So now it being the signiture event for the city, i feel so proud because it's been really growing with me :D

Of course Seoul's AMAZING, and there are other great cities in the world that I absolutely love(for instance, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Milan, Rome, etc.) But you know, there's no place like home, だからわたしはプサンがいちばんすきですよ :D
Sunday, September 27, 2009
こんしゅうの しゅうまつ。。。
きのう、わたしは 11じごろ おきました。
ともだちの アパトで いっしょに ひるごはんを たべました。
そして スーパーに いきました。 そのあと ざっしを よみました。 テレビも みました。
6じごろ ばんごはんを たべて、フットボルの ゲイムを みました。そのあと りょうに かえりました。1じかんぐらい うんどうして シャワーを あびました。2じごろ ねましあ。
すみません、でも べんきょうを ぜんぜん しませんでした。
きょうの あさも 11じごろ おきました。
そして ルームメートと ブランチを たべました。
そのあと にほんの えいが、 嫌われ松子の一生 (Memories of Matsuko)を みました。すごく かなしいストリでした。
そして これから にほんごを べんきょうします。
しんりがくの テストも すいようびに ありますから こんばんから べんきょうします。
みんな、にほんごの べんきょう がんばりましょ!
ありがとう for reading my blog.
きのう、わたしは 11じごろ おきました。
ともだちの アパトで いっしょに ひるごはんを たべました。
そして スーパーに いきました。 そのあと ざっしを よみました。 テレビも みました。
6じごろ ばんごはんを たべて、フットボルの ゲイムを みました。そのあと りょうに かえりました。1じかんぐらい うんどうして シャワーを あびました。2じごろ ねましあ。
すみません、でも べんきょうを ぜんぜん しませんでした。
きょうの あさも 11じごろ おきました。
そして ルームメートと ブランチを たべました。
そのあと にほんの えいが、 嫌われ松子の一生 (Memories of Matsuko)を みました。すごく かなしいストリでした。
そして これから にほんごを べんきょうします。
しんりがくの テストも すいようびに ありますから こんばんから べんきょうします。
みんな、にほんごの べんきょう がんばりましょ!
ありがとう for reading my blog.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
わたしの せいかつ
まいあさ わたしは しちじに おきます。
ルームメートと いっしょに あさごはんを たべます。
まいにち くじはんに じゅぎょうが ありますから がっこうに いきます。
げつようび、すいようび、きんようびは よじはんに へやへ かえります.
かようびと もくようびは じゅうにじに かえります。
ひるごはんを よく たべません。
たいてい しゅくだいを へやに します。
ごご ろくじごろ ともだちと ばんごはんを たべます。
もっと べんきょうします。
よく ばん さんじゅっぷんぐらい うんどう します。
シャワーを あびます。
たいてい ごぜん いちじに ねます。
ルームメートと いっしょに あさごはんを たべます。
まいにち くじはんに じゅぎょうが ありますから がっこうに いきます。
げつようび、すいようび、きんようびは よじはんに へやへ かえります.
かようびと もくようびは じゅうにじに かえります。
ひるごはんを よく たべません。
たいてい しゅくだいを へやに します。
ごご ろくじごろ ともだちと ばんごはんを たべます。
もっと べんきょうします。
よく ばん さんじゅっぷんぐらい うんどう します。
シャワーを あびます。
たいてい ごぜん いちじに ねます。
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Are you hungry?
Hello again,
I hope everyone's having a fabulous weekend, celebrating our season's first glorious victory against Nevada :D
Soooo, over the summer I had a chance to travel Kansai region for about 10 days, visitng my dear friend, Nori chan. She lives in Osaka, so I got to check out the city's latest hot spots including Umeda and Shinsaibashi. I had a blast shopping, touring around the city, and going to a concert. She also took me to Kyoto, which now is my second favorite Japanese city, to visit historic palaces and shirines as well as various places in Kobe. Thanks to Nori chan and her family I even had a chance to put on Yukata (traditional Japanese garment) and get a firsthand experience of Matsuri (Japanese festival) and Hanabi(fireworks)!!! But one of the best aspects of this trip was tasting epically delicious Japanese cuisine. :D
Obviously I'm not at all fluent in Japanese so it is almost impossible for me to recall all the names of delicious food, but I took my camera everywhere with me and took numerous pictures, so I would like to share pieces of my delicious experiences in Japan with y'all.

With fresh ingredient sushi tasted better than any place on earth, and every entree I tried just melted in my mouth (maybe the restaurants Nori chan took me were exceptionally good?). In addition, I had a specially homecooked Tongatsu and Okonomiyaki and those were truly an amazing, too :D
Anyways... I hope all of us as a class could have an opportunity to enjoy exquisite Japanese cusine someday :D ありがとう for reading my post, and hope you all enjoy the rest of the night.
またね :)
I hope everyone's having a fabulous weekend, celebrating our season's first glorious victory against Nevada :D
Soooo, over the summer I had a chance to travel Kansai region for about 10 days, visitng my dear friend, Nori chan. She lives in Osaka, so I got to check out the city's latest hot spots including Umeda and Shinsaibashi. I had a blast shopping, touring around the city, and going to a concert. She also took me to Kyoto, which now is my second favorite Japanese city, to visit historic palaces and shirines as well as various places in Kobe. Thanks to Nori chan and her family I even had a chance to put on Yukata (traditional Japanese garment) and get a firsthand experience of Matsuri (Japanese festival) and Hanabi(fireworks)!!! But one of the best aspects of this trip was tasting epically delicious Japanese cuisine. :D
Obviously I'm not at all fluent in Japanese so it is almost impossible for me to recall all the names of delicious food, but I took my camera everywhere with me and took numerous pictures, so I would like to share pieces of my delicious experiences in Japan with y'all.
With fresh ingredient sushi tasted better than any place on earth, and every entree I tried just melted in my mouth (maybe the restaurants Nori chan took me were exceptionally good?). In addition, I had a specially homecooked Tongatsu and Okonomiyaki and those were truly an amazing, too :D
Anyways... I hope all of us as a class could have an opportunity to enjoy exquisite Japanese cusine someday :D ありがとう for reading my post, and hope you all enjoy the rest of the night.
またね :)
こんにちは みなさん、
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hello everyone :D
Hey guys,
My name is Ga young and I'm from Busan, Korea. I usually go by Ga young, but those who have difficulty pronouncing my name right, you can call me by my English name, Kaylen :D
Soooooooo, where do I begin... haha.
I'm a senior double majoring in psychology/sociology. And I know some of you guys are going like,,,"whoa...wait a minute...she's a senior?" Yes, sadly, I'm in my 20s so maybe that makes me something like a grandma to y'all, but I can proudly say that I'm young at heart.
The reason I decided to take 1st yr Japanese course is because I wanted to spend my senior year in college learning something that I'm truly interested and I can have fun with. I've been always into learning different languages and cultures since I was little, and being multiligual (ideally 4 or more languages) has always been my dream. Since I feel pretty comfortable speaking and writing in English after being in the states for quite a few years, I finally decided to step up and try a new language.
Having a Japanese best friend/roommate for 2 years in high school definitely influenced my decision to learn the language. Because of her I started watching some Japanese drama and listening to J-pop. But I would say my Japanese drama addiction didn't really start until I watched Nodame Cantabile last year. From that I moved on to watching Hanayori dango and Hotaru no hikari, and as you can tell, now I'm completely hooked!! So now my goal is to study Japanese super hard so that I can someday watch my favorite drama without relying on subtitles.
anyways... I'm super excited about the class and hope to make the best out of it.
Everyone, have a restful night, and がんばりましょ!!! :D
Ga young
↑ btw, this is one of my favorite Japanese songs! Enjoy :D
My name is Ga young and I'm from Busan, Korea. I usually go by Ga young, but those who have difficulty pronouncing my name right, you can call me by my English name, Kaylen :D
Soooooooo, where do I begin... haha.
I'm a senior double majoring in psychology/sociology. And I know some of you guys are going like,,,"whoa...wait a minute...she's a senior?" Yes, sadly, I'm in my 20s so maybe that makes me something like a grandma to y'all, but I can proudly say that I'm young at heart.
The reason I decided to take 1st yr Japanese course is because I wanted to spend my senior year in college learning something that I'm truly interested and I can have fun with. I've been always into learning different languages and cultures since I was little, and being multiligual (ideally 4 or more languages) has always been my dream. Since I feel pretty comfortable speaking and writing in English after being in the states for quite a few years, I finally decided to step up and try a new language.
Having a Japanese best friend/roommate for 2 years in high school definitely influenced my decision to learn the language. Because of her I started watching some Japanese drama and listening to J-pop. But I would say my Japanese drama addiction didn't really start until I watched Nodame Cantabile last year. From that I moved on to watching Hanayori dango and Hotaru no hikari, and as you can tell, now I'm completely hooked!! So now my goal is to study Japanese super hard so that I can someday watch my favorite drama without relying on subtitles.
anyways... I'm super excited about the class and hope to make the best out of it.
Everyone, have a restful night, and がんばりましょ!!! :D
Ga young
↑ btw, this is one of my favorite Japanese songs! Enjoy :D
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